Tuesday 21st August Holne

Just three of us starting from the picture postcard village of Holne.

On the footpath past the church...

...and back to the road to go along the narrow lane towards Michelcombe...

...where we met this carriage from Dartmoor Driving (you can hire them for carriage driving lessons or they will take you over the moor).

Up along steep track and eventually we came to the open moor with Snowdon ahead to the right and Pupers Hill on the left.

I went down to Gibby Combe in search of Gibby Combe Tor but..

...the ferns were too high for me to get through to the bottom so I returned to meet up with Carole and Roger.

The next plan was to go down to the valley below and cross the stream..

...but we couldn't find a suitable crossing.

We returned to where a herd of red deer are kept.

 Just inside the three stags were just sitting and not at all concerned at our presence.

At that point the South Hams Ramblers came passing by.

Further along the females were very taken with Walter the dog.

Back to Scoriton and then up the steep track to get back to Holne...

...and the Church House Inn...

...there is not much here apart from the pub and very pretty houses but at least the library visits!