Sunday 9th September - reflections on visiting all the Dartmoor Tors

So that's it! I have visited 307 of the tors listed this excellent book 'The A to Z of Dartmoor Tors' which I have been using to find and visit all the tors on Dartmoor.  Written by Terry Bound and first published in 1991.  It provides the grid reference and a description of all the tors.  
Inside the front cover is this quotation by Brian Carter..

"Tors are scattered all over the moors.  Many are landmarks which can be seen for miles.  They have a magnetism I can't resist...The smaller, less shapely tors which don't get in the guidebooks have lured me to some fine wilderness country.  These little outcrops maintain an exclusive, rather remote air of privacy"

I think that sums it up exactly.

The book cost £5.95 and has given me hours and hours of pleasure. Starting on the 2nd January - the task of completing them all became a bit of an obsession - but then you will never be successful at anything unless you are passionate and obsessive  about it! 
Doing this has got me to parts of the moor I wouldn't otherwise have visited but there were four tors I couldn't get to:-

Chagford Combe Tor - on private land.
Scatter Rock - on private land.
Gibby Combe Tor - too steep and too many ferns! - I will go back in the winter.
Hockingstone Rock - on the side of steep valley.

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