Wednesday Morning 18th December Scorriton

Well this was a really wet and windy day for a walk! We parked at the Tradesmens Arms at Scorriton.  In the hamlet was something I haven't seen for years - a milkman - actually a milklady delivering the milk.  I thought these had all finished years ago.  She thought we were mad going for a walk when it was so wet.

We took the track which leads out to Scorriton Down....

...through the deer park with the friendly deer.  I must come back here on a sunny day  for some decent photographs.

Then out onto the moor and towards the River Mardle valley with waves of rain hitting us sideways.

Much more exposed here with the strong wind.  So much rain and  the moor is completely saturated.

Tom with his new rucksack!

On to the River Mardle which, unsurprisingly, was in spate with the heavy rain...

...there was no possibility of us being able to cross!

We headed out of the valley and up to higher ground to view Hapstead Ford before going over to the old Tin Workings for our coffee break.  Then briefly along the ridge before joining the Sandy Way to take us down to Michelcombe and...

...back to the Tradesmens Arms at Scorrition. Lunch took a long time to arrive but was of excellent quality when it came.

An exhilarating walk and good test of kit!  With Terry, Tom, David, Jon, Bill and Jane

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got a few photos of a memorable walk Michael.
    The drive home was fun, wasn't it. Thought we mind need to call the RNLI!!
