Wednesday Morning 15th January Peat Cott

We started from Peat Cot in very different conditions to yesterday.  Thick cloud was covering everything and with no visibility and we headed to the Cramber Hill trig point where yesterday the water around the base was frozen.

On to the nearby Cramber Pool and then down to...

...Cramber Tor.

Down again to the bridge over the leat near...

...Crazy Well Pool where we stopped for coffee.

On past the restored cross.

The cloud was blowing in and out and we got this  back view to Down Tor and Burrator reservoir.

Then into the huge disused tin workings......

....where so much material was removed by hand 150+ years ago.

Up to the leat where it comes out of the tunnel...

...built without diggers - just hard manual labour.

Then across to the track with Nun's Cross Farm emerging out of the cloud.  It started to rain.

A short walk back to the cars and on to the Prince of Wales for an excellent lunch.

With John, Jon, Pete, Terry, Tom, David, Peter, Bill, and Jane

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