Wednesday Evening 4th June Pew Tor

A perfect evening for a walk - warm and just a little breeze.  From Pork Hill car park we headed over to Prowtytown Rocks.

A while since I have been on this path and it appears to have been washed away into a deep gulley.

 Jon ventured in to explore more.
 Next up to Windy post.

The view along the leat towards Great Mis Tor

On to Feather Tor with Pew Tor in the distance

Feather Tor with a low sun and dramatic sky.

Nearby is a logan stone which just had to be rocked - a huge slab of granite and yes it did move.

The logan stone in front of the tree.

To Pew Tor - Cox Tor in the distance.

Sampford Spiney Tor as the sun gets lower.

A coffee stop by the quarry and then back via Merrival looking for the Peregrines - but we couldn't see them.

On to the very busy Whitchurch Inn. With Jon, Mike, Peter, Pete, Stella and Charles

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