Tuesday 10th November - Eylesbarrow

The approximate route is shown below - please click on this post in the index top right to display the correct map. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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Another wet and gloomy day. The forecast suggested that it would improve during the course of the morning, in fact it got worse.

We headed up to Gutter Tor and then down the other side. Our leader pointed out this stone which it is thought was going to be made into a stone cross.

We continued on to Ditsworthy Warren House which seemed all the more mysterious in the cloud and rain.

On to the long stone rows in the Giants Basin.

Jon produced some chalk to make the markings clear on this huge standing stone. It is understood that these are Chinese characters and spell the word Ashley. There is a place in Hong Kong called Ashley Road.  It is not known who put these here. Information from www.legndary.dartmoor.co.uk

We continued upwards to Higher Hartor Tor and then to the remains of the engine house for the Eylesbarrow Tin Mine where we had our coffee break.

A further short walk up to the top of Eylesbarrow.

We took a direct route back through some clitter, girts and 'hummocky' ground.

Lunch was at the Royal Oak. With Jane, Terry, Charlie, Roger, Jon, Stella and Bill


  1. I really enjoyed this post, good on you for getting out so often in this gloomy weather. There are so many fantastic places to go walking in Devon through the winter, you just have to be a bit more of a hardy hiker. Finding markings on rocks is always really interesting, I wonder how long they've been there!
